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Year 10 Exam/Revision Information

In School Assessments

Assessment Calendar - All years

January Assessment Revision

Mock Examination Timetable

Y10 Mock Exam Timetable - TBC

Year 10 After School Revision

After School Revision Timetable - updated Sept 24

Extended Wednesday - TBC

Year 10 Revision Information

Class teachers will provide students with information on what to revise and when the assessment will take place.

It is important that students are fully prepared and should be revising a little each day at home. These assessments will give both students and teachers a good idea of where they are currently at. It will allow teachers to plan appropriately for September and ensure that we can catch up and challenge students as necessary.

If students are unsure of anything they must ask their teachers for help immediately. 

You can access revision Information for some subjects in TEAMS - click the link below.

Click here to access TEAMS
GCSE Revision Guides 2024 -2025
Year 10 RE Mock Mission Booklet - TBC
Blank Revision Timetable
Digital Revision Timetable Creator
Revision Success Guide
KS4 Learning Journey

Mock Revision 

Advice Sheet for Parents/Carers
Religious Education - Mock Mission Booklet/Checklist

Strategies to help with Home Learning

Strategies to help with home learning

1) Access – Do you have WiFi/laptop/headphones access, contact school if not.

2) Routine – Set a daily revision timetable and stick to it.

3) Planning – 5 mins preparing will save an hour later

Before. Have I done something like this before? What do I need to achieve?
During. Trial and error, reflection, can I change anything, am I meeting my goals?
After. What worked well, is there anything I can improve or alter?

4) Learning environment – Do you need to tidy or reorganise your room, do you have the right lighting, ambience, no distractions and a good supply of resources. Changing rooms every now and then can sometimes help.

5) Sprints – Work in short chunks of time. A novice sprinter will do 25min on and 25 min rest then repeat. A serious sprinter will do 25mins on and 5 min rest then repeat.

6) Spaced practice – Don’t work on one piece all night. Switch between subjects and topics.

7) Rate the challenge level of your tasks – Think about how you are feeling and choose an appropriate level of task to complete.

8) Think aloud – Verbalise your thoughts to anyone, your pet, your parent, yourself!

9) Ask yourself questions – who, what, where, why, when, how? Verbalise your answer and share your thinking.

10) Organise your thoughts Graphic organiser, visual mind map etc.

11) Don’t break the chain – Keep a diary or journal and tick off what you do each day.

12) Give it 5 – Just do 5 minutes, work intensively and see what it leads to.

13) Seek feedback – Teachers, friends, family, internet, mark schemes.

14) Respond to feedback – you will only learn from correcting your mistakes.

15) Emotional wellbeing – Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are struggling, learning should feel like a challenge.

16) Time out- Take a break and find a quiet space to breathe and be mindful or try and do some physical activity.

17) Reward yourself – Tell your family what you have done and be proud of your achievements.

Revision Techniques

Learn to Study using...Retrieval Practice

The Retrieval Wheel 


Revision Videos

Memory and Revision


Learning Support


Key Revision Websites

Maths Homework & Revision 
Maths Past Paper Practice
Topic Specific Revision
Science - Free Science Lessons
English - Spark Notes - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet
English - Spark Notes - Drama - An Inspector Calls
English - Mr Bruff for English (You Tube)
English - Stacey Reay for English (You Tube)
Various Subjects
Seneca Learning Dashboard
Various Subjects - Quizlet (Flash cards, study sets and quizzes)
Various Subjects - Save My Exams (Maths, English and Science)
Various Subjects - BBC Bitesize
MFL - Active Learn 

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