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GSO Test

Sociology at St James's

 Sociology is a social science.

‘The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden.’ Bourdieu

In Sociology we aim to teach students about how society functions and what influences the behaviour of individuals and groups. In Sociology we explore three key theories that underpin the sociological approach – Marxists, Feminists and Functionalists. We look at current issues in society as well as historical ones to figure out:

  • The hidden rules that exist in our society and how and why we learn these rules.
  • How our gender, ethnicity and social class affect our lives.
  • Why people break the rules of society and why some individuals commit crimes.
  • How Sociologists research people and society to discover the truth.

We conduct research, read real life case studies and explore both current and historical social issues.


Year 10
Research Methods

Year 11
Crime and Deviance
Social Stratification
Research Methods

Key Studies
Sociology Key Studies

Sociology Learning Journey

Lesson structure

This is an option subject. If students choose this subject they will have 4 lessons over the fortnight in year 10 and 5 lessons over the fortnight in year 11.

Lessons will always begin with an entry task that will either review previous learning or get students thinking critically about the concept they will be learning in the lesson. The essential knowledge is imbedded through consistent retrieval through ‘previously on’ tasks and weekly retrieval quizzing. Students learn exam technique and skill through the continued link to exam questions in lessons. These exam answers receive feedback both written and verbally, often implementing the ‘I do, we do, you do approach’ to ensure students know how to get full marks in their answers.

Independent practice

Students have an in-class booklet for each topic that has reading tasks, exam question practice (SLOP), retrieval quizzes, key words, RAG sheets to check understanding, key sociologist grids, revision and worksheets. These booklets follow a SOW that ensures that the AQA specification has been covered in preparation for the GCSE in year 11.

Revision booklets are available via TEAMS and students have a practice exam questions booklet with ALL past paper questions and potential questions.

The Collins purple ‘all in one’ revision guide is great and can be purchased from websites such as Amazon and Ebay.

Some other useful websites to use are:




Year 10 students have a homework booklet with weekly tasks to encourage active revision and reviewing of previous learning. There is also opportunity for students to practice exam questions within these booklets with guided practice for 12-mark essays.

Year 11 students will be completing ‘shed loads of practice’ homework to ensure that they are consistently practicing exam questions to prepare them for their GCSE.

All homework will be set by the teacher and will be put on Edu link for parents/ students to keep track of.


Exam board AQA

Paper 1 – The Family and Education
Paper 2 – Crime and Deviance and Social Stratification
Research Methods throughout both papers.

  • TTLP