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Emergency School Closure Information

These are the arrangements should we suffer disruption from extremes of weather or other events that would cause the school to take a decision to close the school.

 Early Morning Closure

If the school is to be closed on any school day because of adverse weather conditions or a particular problem on the school site, we will update the school website (www.st-james.bolton.sch.uk) with the relevant information .

We will also text all parents- please ensure your mobile numbers are up to date. Please be aware that during intense use that text messages may be delayed on the system.

A message will also be put on the School Telephone System.

There will also be a posting on the Bolton website on www.bolton.gov.uk and announcements and notifications via the local press/radio.  Parents can also contact Bolton Council's Contact Centre to check school closures on 01204 333333

During the Day

If the weather conditions deteriorate during the school day to the point where buses cannot be guaranteed at the end of the day, or where making the journey home could be dangerous, we will make arrangements to release the students early if you have given your permission.  If they cannot get home or you have not given permission, they will stay in school until they can be collected or you can provide alternative arrangements.

Please note that pupils will be allowed to use the school telephone to call parents if they need to ensure a safe journey home.

After the initial closure, please keep an eye on the school website for further details.

These are the procedures we have agreed with the Local Authority and we hope that they will allow us to keep our students safe while avoiding unnecessary inconvenience to yourselves as parents/carers.

Work for Students

In the event of an unexpected school closure - pupils will be informed of any work being provided via their student email or Microsoft Teams.

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